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Building validations into survey questions

This is a pilot feature with limited availability to pilot users only. For access, please reach out to product@upmetrics.com.

It is important that the data that is collected from your surveys are as accurate as possible! The survey tool within Impact Portfolio Reporting allows you to build in specific validations to help ensure that those administrative errors are nipped in the bud before they get to you. 

Setting up validations in your survey

We recommend establishing validation parameters that are consistent across your entire survey. You can do so in the Survey Level Details settings pane. 

  1. Click on the Survey title to bring up the Survey level details settings pane.
  2. Select the Validation sub-section. 
  3. We recommend the following settings for optimal experience: 
    1. Check Yes to Set focus on the first invalid answer
    2. Run validation: After an answer is changed

The following types of validations are supported in the IPR survey tool

  • Required validations
  • Built-in form validations based on question type
  • Expressions based validations

Required validations

You can specify a question to have a required answer. The settings for these are available for every question in the Required icon button. 

When established, users will have to answer the question before they can move on to the next page of the survey. 

Built-in form validations based on question type

There are different built-in form validations available depending on the question type that you add to your survey. When these settings are selected, the survey tool will throw an error message when the users deviate from the specified form validation. 

For Single-line Input question type: In addition to text, these are the additional selectable input formats: Color, Date, Date and time, Email, Month, Number, Password, Range, Phone Number, Time, URL, and Week. This ensures that the user is entering the information in the correct data type format. 


Additionally, you can set min or max values for the following input formats: Number, Date, Date and time, Month, Range, Time, Week. 


For the Checkboxes and Multi-select question types, you can specify the minimum and/or maximum selections that a user can select. 


Custom expressions based validations

You can build custom expressions based validations for your questions. 

A custom expression can be build based on answers from a previous question and used to validate the answer for the next question. 

E.g. A first question is asked to determine how many total employees reside within an organization. The answer from the first question can be added as an expression called “Total Employees”. This expression can be used to validate other questions later in your survey.  

Variable fields are recognized by inserting ‘{‘ ‘}’ around the name of the variables. 

  1. Select the question that you’d like to establish an expression based validation on. 
  2. Select the Validation button in the settings panel to expand the Validation sub-section.
  3. Click on the Plus icon to add a Validation rule. 
  4. Ensure that “Expression” is selected as a drop-down option. 
  5. Click on the Shooting star icon to add the expression based validation. 
    1. Fill in the expression you’d like to validate. NOTE: The expression should contain the correct result. 
    2. You can use the Question name as a variable if there’s only one answer. 
      1. You can use the “QuestionName.ItemName” as a variable if there’s a question with multiple items as answers. 
    3. You can also hard code validations based on specified values. 
  6. Fill out the error message you’d like to have displayed if the answer does not meet the validation criteria.BuildingValidationsInSurveyQuestions-ExpressionBasedValidations
  7. Test this out in the Preview tab by answering the question in the ‘incorrect’ manner, validate the error message; and then answer the question in the ‘correct’ manner to ensure that the validation works. BuildingValidationsInSurveyQuestions-ExpressionBasedValidations2

🎉 Woohoo! You can now set validations to your survey questions!