How to add a Filter to your Dashboard

You can filter a Dashboard to view only a subset of data that meets your filtering criteria. Dashboard filtering applies to all of the charts in the Dashboard. Filtering a Dashboard can allow you to quickly dive into a subset of your data.

If you want to add a filter on one specific Widget, you can do this by editing the Widget and clicking on “Manage Filters”.

To create a Dashboard filter:

  • Navigate to the Dashboard you want to add a filter to
  • Click on the funnel icon at the top right of the Dashboard
  • Select “Global Filters” or “User Filters”
    • Global filters will filter the Dashboard for any user in your Organization
    • User filters will filter the Dashboard only in your account
  • Click on "Manage Filters" 
  • Select the field(s) you want to filter by. To unselect, click on the check box again
  • Click outside of the drop down when you are done
  • Click on “Apply Filters”
  • Click on the funnel icon to minimize the filtering section. Filters will stay active unless manually deactivated

1. Funnel icon:

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.07.53 PM.png


2. Global vs. User filters:

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 10.40.38 AM.png


3. Apply Filters:

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 10.42.01 AM.png