How to create a Dashboard with multiple data sources

You can now visualize all of your data on one Dashboard without creating table relationships. Below we will walk you through the steps for creating a Dashboard using any data table across all of your data sets in UpMetrics.


1) Add some data

If you haven't done so already, upload or import your data sources into UpMetrics via our CSV upload or through the integrations. In our example here, we are using sample data showcasing a volunteer program here at UpMetrics. We have three tables across two data sets for program tracking, survey responses, and volunteer registration - all of which are related conceptually but have no way of linking to each other.






2) Create a dashboard

Creating a Dashboard is the same as before. You will select a data source to start with, but you can add Widgets from any other table once the Dashboard is created. Here we are starting with our "Sample Program Data."




3) Add Widgets

Once your Dashboard is created, you will see that there is now an option called "Data Source Settings" when you go to add a Widget. The default will be the data source you selected when created the Dashboard, but you can select any table from any data set in your account.




Here is our final Dashboard with a section for each data source:



4) Setting filters

When you set filters on your Dashboard now, you will see that there are options for every data source linked to the Dashboard.




When a data source is selected, the corresponding Widgets that will be affected will be highlighted in orange.


When filters on a data source are applied, the label itself will also be highlighted in orange to indicate which source have filters actively applied. The filter label that is currently selected will be highlighted in blue.


Filters have to be set independently for each data source. For example, suppose we want the ENTIRE Dashboard to show data from Q1 only. We'll select the months of January, February, and March from our "Sample Program Data" source.


If you'll notice, the Widget for "Events by Month" now shows only data from January, February, and March, but "Responses by Month" still shows data from April. This is because the data for "Responses by Month" comes from a different data source ("Sample Survey Data"). In order to show only a subset of data across all data sources, the filters have to be set for each.

