This is a pilot feature with limited availability to pilot users only. For access, please reach out to
đź‘‹ There are so many ways to ask a question within your survey and we have the following question types available for you to add to your surveys!
Each question type is designed for different data collection needs.
Single-Line Input
For short answers—ideal for capturing concise data such as dates or brief text responses.
Long Text
For open-ended questions that require detailed responses, provide a multi-line text box.Multiple Textboxes
Great for collecting multiple short responses within a single question, useful for segmented data entry.
Radio Button Group
Allows producers to select a single option from a list of choices—ideal for questions with defined answers.
For multiple selections from a list, allowing producers to check all options that apply.
Use when producers need to choose one answer from a list but space is limited.
Yes/No (Boolean)
A simple toggle for Yes/No questions, recorded as true (Yes) or false (No).
Multi-Select Dropdown
Similar to Dropdown but allows for multiple selections—a great option for questions with multiple applicable answers.
Insert formatted text, links, and media. For presentation only; no data is saved from this type.
Calculate values directly in the survey, such as summing previous responses. Expressions can reference other questions for dynamic data presentation.
Question-Specific Settings
Each question type offers unique settings in the property pane. Customize titles, set default values, adjust question visibility, set question logic to guide your survey recipients through their responses and ensure data accuracy.
🎉 Congratulations! You’re now familiar with the survey question types and ready to create tailored surveys with IPR’s Survey Builder. Happy surveying!