What are best practices to create Metrics Dashboards?

Each Metrics Dashboard should have an intended audience and purpose. What are you trying to learn by analyzing the data on this Dashboard? What is the story of impact you are trying to tell by sharing this Dashboard?

You can create multiple Metrics Dashboards that are connected to the same Data Table, as a way to limit a Dashboard from becoming too lengthy, disorganized, or broad in scope.

For example, if an organization had demographic data and participation data in the same Data Table, they could create one Dashboard to analyze demographics and a separate dashboard to analyze participation. Because all of this data is in the same Data Table, the organization could still filter the “Participation” Dashboard by demographic variable collected in the linked Data Table.

You can choose to share a Dashboard with your organization or make it a private Dashboard that only you can view. It can often be helpful to start with a new Dashboard being private while you are first building it, and then share it with the rest of the users in your organization once you’ve had a chance to create, organize, and clearly label all the Widgets in the Dashboard.