What are best practices to use Dashboard Filters?

There are two types of filters available: Global filters will filter the Dashboard for any user in your organization, and User filters will filter the Dashboard only in your account.

It is often better to use the User filters option instead of the Global filters option so that other users in your organization can filter the same Dashboard in a different way, without you interrupting each other’s work. 

When you first filter a Dashboard, review some of the Widgets that can help you confirm the Dashboard is being filtered in the way you intended. For example, if you filter a Dashboard to only show data on your female participants, you could review a Gender Breakdown pie chart to confirm that it is now displaying as 100% female.

Remember that, when a Dashboard is filtered, the external sharing link for that Dashboard will display the filtered Dashboard results. If you plan to leave a Dashboard permanently filtered for the purposes of sharing externally, you should consider updating the Dashboard’s title to reflect the filtered nature of the Dashboard.