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Creating and editing a survey

This is a pilot feature with limited availability to pilot users only. For access, please reach out to product@upmetrics.com.

👋 Now that you’ve had an introduction to IPR, let’s get started in the survey builder! You will use the survey builder to create, edit, and customize your surveys. Let’s dive in!

Accessing the survey builder

Creating a survey

Saving and editing a Survey

Accessing the Survey Builder

To start building your survey:

  1. Go to the Collect tab.
  2. Select Outgoing Surveys to open the Survey Builder.
  3. Click +Survey to create a new survey or duplicate a previous one.
    1. Add a Survey title, choose a Reporting period and Survey collection period, and select the Dataset where responses will be saved.
      1. Reporting period indicates the period you’re collecting data for. (e.g. last quarter, last year, or  last month>) 
      2. Survey collection period is the period that you’ll be collecting results on your survey. Please note that the date has to be greater than today, and you can’t have a survey that starts and ends on the same day. 
      3. Data set: You’ll need to ensure that you have a data set to home the corresponding survey response data table. 
  4. Click Add Questions to Survey to begin building your survey.


You can navigate between tabs Designer, Preview, Recipients, Themes, Logic, and JSON Editor to fully customize your survey.

Survey Builder Interface Overview

The Survey Builder is organized into four main tabs to streamline your survey design:

  • Designer: Add and configure questions here. Simply drag questions from the Toolbox to the design surface and use the Property Grid to tailor each question.
  • Preview: See the survey exactly as producers will experience it, ensuring all questions are clear and engaging.
  • Recipients: Add recipients for the survey here, allowing you to easily track submissions and follow up as needed.
  • Themes: Customize the survey’s appearance to align with your organization’s branding.
  • Logic: Edit logical rules that specify the survey flow to allow you to specify conditions and select actions to perform when these conditions are met.

Creating a Survey - Designer Tab

In the Designer tab, you’ll add and configure each question type to collect the necessary information from producers. Drag questions from the Toolbox, place them on the design area, and adjust their settings in the Property pane.


Survey General Settings

In the General Settings menu, you can:

  • Edit the survey title and description.
  • Add your organization’s logo.
  • Create and manage new pages for multi-part surveys.
  • Establish additional survey level branching logic conditions. CreateEditingSurvey-SurveyGeneralSettings

Organizing Pages

To add or structure pages:

  1. Go to the Property pane --> Survey General Settings.
  2. Under the Pages category, click +.
  3. Name and populate each page to guide producers through sections of your survey.CreateEditingSurvey-OrganizingPages

Creating a Survey - Preview

In the Preview tab, review the survey layout as producers will see it. Here, you can ensure the readability and flow are just right before sending it out, catching any necessary adjustments to question wording, layout, or design.


Saving and editing a Survey

Your survey will autosave as you work. To make updates, return to the Designer tab, where you can edit questions, or design settings as needed.

IMPORTANT: Only the survey creator has access to edit a survey. Any other users accessing the survey will be seeing the survey in View Only mode. 

Survey Creator View

In Survey Creator View, users with editing permissions can manage all aspects of surveys. This includes creating, editing, tracking progress, and viewing responses—essential tools for keeping your IPR cycle on track. Only users with creator permissions can access these editing features.

View-Only View

The View-Only View is perfect for users who only need to review the survey without editing rights. Share this view with stakeholders to ensure the survey remains unchanged while they review the final format. Please note that while users can click on the survey parameters and “appear” to make changes, the changes will not be saved in this View Only mode. 


🎉 Congratulations! You’re now ready to collect impactful data with IPR’s Survey Builder. Happy surveying!